This site appeared, as result joint Internet community creativity. Readers did the offers according to the scientific and philosophical maintenance of a site, asked questions of a science, of meaning of the life. I as a smog executed remarks of readers and answered these questions proceeding from the understanding of the performed scientific work, wide life experience and its judgment. Many readers consider that the site can be translated into many languages and will be useful to mankind. Unfortunately, my possibilities of transfer are limited - it is a machine translation which, as well as languages based on the Latin alphabet, cannot transfer completely many concepts of Russian. I am ready to accept any help from Internet community in a translation of Russian pages of a site into other languages of the world for their correct understanding.
Read Russian pages of the website - they are much more interesting
, learn Russian if you want to know much more - it is language of future.
For the first time in science calculated, detected, and measured experimentally a new physical effect - an external magnetic field of a toroidal structures with a poloidal electric current. Earlier it was considered as impossible.
The mathematical simulation and experiments which have confirmed correctness of logic and conclusions from it are made.
The recalls of the specialists are shown (on Russian only).
On the basis of experiments:
- the parameters are calculated
- the construction is designed
- the device which use a method of creation of a magnetostatic field like by separate elements of a closed electric circuit of a direct current is produced now. I have know-how.
The donut hole was not empty.
Where on a site true, and where diligent scientific error, I recommend to find to the thoughtful, searching reader.
Knowledge from following areas of a science is for this purpose necessary:
Physics: 1) Mechanics, Dynamics, movement of a material point; 2) Electrodynamics, movement of the charged particles in electric and magnetic fields.
Mathematics: 1) Integral and Differential calculus; 2) the Vector analysis.
Programming (at least on BASIC) and modelling of physical problems.
Work on thermonuclear program can be continued (innovation project - the business offer, [The real project and the business offer read on Russian page] venture capital, USD 2.6 million learning - that will turn out?). The service is priced at CNY 60 000 000 000 (Because the gold maintenance of currency has decreased in 3.5 times since 2004).
The account in my name in a reputable Bank in Helsinki.
Comparative costs of research in this area can be found on
ITER. For such price mass production is impossible (USD of 19 billions seeing - that will be?).
I continue to be engaged in mathematical modelling and programming.
When using materials, the active hyperlink on sites and is obligatory.