Design of TREG. Technologies.
Baseline coil for all types of devices. Manual manufacturing.
Thermonuclear fuel
Properties H2O and D2O.
wire diameter 0.14; 15000 turns of a wire; electrical resistance 11500 ohm
The device for a reeling of inductance coils.
(each 3-5 layers of a wire must be impregnated by heat-resistant glue).
1. Axis of rotation.
2. Central drum.
3. Lateral plates.
4. Paper, impregnated by technical petrolatum.
Use of coils of household   electric motors .
 D,  6Li  and their mixes [C3D6O heavy acetone, for example] are most convenient and accessible for wide application as a fuel for reactions of a hydrogen cycle.
It is easier and faster to purchase deuterium, lithium and deuteride of lithium 6Li D.
However, it is possible to make fuel self-maintainedly.
Most accessible is deuterium - D. It is contained in natural water as the way "heavy" ( D2O - million shares of percent ) and "half-heavy" ( HDO - 0.015%) water. Water, which nuclear stations pour away contains D2O too. Its concentration, for certain, not less units of percents.
The name of a constant |
H2O |
D2O |
Molecular weight |
18 |
20 |
Temp. of freezing ° C |
0 |
3.8 |
Temp. of boiling ° C |
100 |
101.4 |
Density at 20° C  [ g / cm 3 ] |
0.9982 |
1.1056 |
Temp. of maximum density ° C |
4 |
11.6 |
It is best to do the extraction of primary raw material (ground-ice, which contain HDO) in the winter on the river or on lake. It will allow to avoid the costs of freezing of water.
The technology of extraction by the river is shown on figure below
1. Underwater stones - natural centres of a beginning of freezing.
2. Metal plate - artificial centre of a beginning of freezing.
3. Ground-ice, which enriched by HDO - purpose of work.
4. The electronic sensor of temperature (should be loaded in ground-ice).
5. Heat-insulating bar of the electronic thermometer.
6. The electronic thermometer (digital multimeter with the sensor of temperature).
7. The device for rise (and for descent) of a metal plate.
Two ways are possible:
or to measure temperature of natural ground-ice and to collect it,
or to measure temperature of artificial ground-ice and to collect last.
Temperature of ground-ice should be not less +0.75� C.
The concentration HDO in collected ice will be increased no more, than till 0.75%.
Though, if temperature will be higher, it means, that the concentration HDO is much more - it is good luck.
To receive 1 kg 100 % HDO, it is necessary to collect 135 kg ground-ice as a minimum.
As is visible, the extraction of deuterium in such a way - business for laborious.
For next phase of magnification of concentration it is necessary to use metallic capacity
(see figure below). The received ice needs again to be transformed into water.
1. Water, which must be concentrate.
2. Metallic, better aluminium capacity.
3. Support for providing of access of cold air.
4. Heat-insulating cover (plastic-foam, tree).
5. Thermometer (electronic is possible) from -10 to +10° C; accuracy not less 0.25° C.
6. Measuring bar.
7. Ground-ice, which enriched by HDO - purpose of work.
As shown in figure, water 1 is pour in metal capacity 2, which is delivered on a support 3 for providing of access of cold air. Capacity is warm-isolated from above by cover 4. Because of high heat-capacity of water, it guarantees began of freezing in the bottom of capacity.
At the expense of freezing to the bottom the "the heavy ice" will not emerge even if it has density less, than "easy" water at same temperature. Temperature of freezing of D2O +3.8° C. Temperature of freezing of HDO is unknown, but, with the large degree of probability, it not less +1.5° C.
Beginning of quiescing HDO check by the thermometer by 5 and measuring bar 6.
Temperature of a stratum of water near the bottom should not fall below 0.75° C. When the thickness of ground-ice 7 will exceed 1 mm, the frozen water is pour away.
The stayed ice needs to be collected in a separate capacity. At a diameter the bottom of basic capacity of 600 mm and at the volume of water 8 L, will be received 100-150 mL of the water, which will be enriched in 50 time.
I.e. the concentration HDO will be increased no more, than till 40%.
Having collected 8 litres of the enriched water, a procedure repeat. It will increase concentration no more, than up to 40%, therefore, the third phase and electrolysis are required also. Under electrolysis, first of all, H-ions leaves a water and it will be enriched by D.
Concentration of D2O is check by measuring temperature of freezing of the received concentrate. Temperature should be not less +3.75° C.
At this temperature the clearing needs to be stopped, because the deuterium will escape from a concentrated solution. The deuterium will be required to us hereinafter.
Manufacturing of heavy ammonia by a cyanamid method.
Ca C2 + N2 = Ca C N2 + C + 72 kilocalories
For accomplishment of reaction, ones drop a jet of nitrogen through heated up in one place CaC2. Further warming up is at the expense of reaction.
Ca C N2 + 3 D2O (pairs + 6 atmocpheres (bars)) = Ca C O3 + 2 ND3 + 18 kilocalories
Ammonia, at pressure 6-8 atmospheres, turn to a liquid with temperature of boiling Tboil � -30 �C
Such pressure is quite accessible to the automobile compressor and does not present especial requests to a capacity for a storage of the liquefied ammonia.
It is quite possible to produce a capacity from aluminium..
It is possible to use and "heavy" ammoniac water - ND3 + D2O = ND4OD (25% ND3)
Manufacturing of heavy acetylene.
Lithium 6,941 Lithium actively aggregates to hydrogen. In 1 kg Li D 2800 litres of deuterium are contained.
Natural lithium consists of two isotopes with mass numbers 6 and 7.
Chemically clear lithium is contained in lithium elements such as CR2325 CR2325 BR2016 BR1616 in quality of the lithium anode.
Ca C2 + 2 D2O = Ca (OD)2 + C2 D2
The firm and liquid polymers can be made of acetylenes.
Thawing oC
534 kg/m3
In lithosphere
0,0030 %
Isotopes of lithium
The isotope 7Li has section of grab 0,033 barn and is transparent for thermal neutrons.
Section of grab 6Li - 912 barn - it actively absorbs thermal neutrons.
In the nature easy lithium in 12 times less, than heavy.
Two isotopes are received artificial. Half-life 8Li - 0,84 s; 9Li - 0,17 s.
6Li3 + 1n 0 � 3T1 + 4He2 + 4.8 MeV
3T1 + 2D1 � 4He2 + n + 17.6 MeV (1 MeV = 1.6*10-16 kJ)
By 8 g 6Li D is generated 6.02*1023*(4.8+17.6)*1.6*10-16 = 2.16*109 kJ.
One kiloton (103 ton) TNT corresponds approximately 4.2*109 kJ or 15.5 g 6Li D.
It is necessary to take into account, that some lithium elements at their opening
are explosive !!!
To work with lithium it is necessary or in gasoline or, better, in technical argon (Ar), having ensured tightness of the working chamber. Rubber gloves is tight affiliated to apertures of the steel chamber with a window from a plastic glass, for example.Both argon and gasoline it is required previously to dry. In the chamber it is necessary to arrange capacity with technical petrolatum, for the subsequent storage lithium
Manufacturing of LiD.  N.G. Klyuchnikov (in Russian)
With application ND3 and C2 D2 the following thermonuclear reactions of a carbon-nitric or carbon cycle can occur:
p + 12
13N � 13C + e+ + n + 1.5 MeV
p + 13C � 14N + g + 7.54 MeV
p + 14N � 15O + g + 7.35 MeV
15O � 15N + e+ + n + 1.73 MeV
p + 15N � 12C + 4He + 4.96 MeV
The thermonuclear reactions with application of protons (p) has a small cross section of reaction.
p + p � D + n + 2,2 MeV CS = 10 -23 barns
Therefore, most interesting are the following fusion reactions:
p + D � 3He + g + 5,5
MeV CS = 10 -3 barns
p + 7Li � 24He + g + 17,3
MeV CS = 6*10 -3 barns
D + 7Li � 24He + n + 15,0 MeV CS = 10 -3 barns
p + 9Be � 6Li + 4He + 2,1 MeV CS = 0.35 barns
It, already, actual quantities for industrial application.
It is necessary to note, that the descriptions of reactions of carbon-nitric or carbon cycles, where the proton is displaced by deuteron, are absent in open sources of the information.
However, by analogy to reactions of a hydrogen cycle, it is quite possible, that the replacement of a proton by deuteron will increase probability of thermonuclear reactions over many times and will ensure the formation of nucleuses 3He, 6Li, 7Li, 9Be. This nucleuses very actively enter in reaction of nuclear fusion.
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